Amon Amarth
Amon Amarth - Deceiver Of The Gods Beige Red - Marbled Vinyl
01. Deceiver of the Gods
02. As Loke falls
03. Father of the wolf
04. Shape shifter
05. Under siege
06. Blood eagle
07. We shall destroy
08. Hel
09. Coming of the tide
10. Warriors of the north
01. Deceiver of the Gods
02. As Loke falls
03. Father of the wolf
04. Shape shifter
05. Under siege
06. Blood eagle
07. We shall destroy
08. Hel
09. Coming of the tide
10. Warriors of the north
Department: Media
Band: Amon Amarth
Genre: Death Metal, Metal
Product type: Vinyl
Specials: Limited
Media label: Metal Blade Records
- Vinyl colours in mockups are not actual representations of vinyl. Actual vinyl colour will vary.